Member Grants
Ready to learn something new?
What would ISK be without its members like you? We want to support the members who support each other. In the spirit of giving, we have funds available for members who want to level-up their paddling and outdoors skills.
To Give & Give Back
Each calendar year, ISK opens the educational grant process to our members who are seeking to expand their outdoor knowledge. The goal of this process is to support ISK members who are enrolling in a new course or next step certificate by making available five $100 grants. Examples of this are seeking a Red Cross CPR certificate for the first time or enrolling in an ACA L3 IDW course while holding an L2.
These grants are not intended for recertification of an award or certificate you already hold. Please complete the form below and notify the ISK board of your application by emailing board@inlandseakayakers.
Grant recipients will be notified within 35 days of submitting this form and payment will be made by check. Upon completion of the educational opportunity, recipients are expected to give back to the club. Examples include giving a presentation or leading a trip. Let us know how you can use your experience to benefit your fellow paddlers.