Rainy Lake, Voyageurs | June 2021
Eight ISK paddlers enjoyed a glorious few days camping and paddling on Rainy Lake. Canada was right there, over the water, across an invisible line in the waves.

Minnesota’s Own National Park
A motley group of motorists with narrow, long boats strapped to their roofs rolled into International Falls on a Thursday evening in June. Up to no good? More like looking for a comfortable night’s sleep before their early launch the next morning.
Mike W. led this trip that he and Lynette organized. We launched at 10 a.m. from Rainy Lake Visitor Center for a 12 or 13 mile paddle to the group site. The weather was uncharacteristically hot for June up north, so we opted to part with our dry suits. A wise choice, it turned out, because we had swimming weather all weekend!
It was a long first day on the water, but with plenty of islands to choose from, and plenty of picnic sites along the way, we had a well-planned paddle and spirits remained high when we landed at our fancy site. Bear boxes, sure, but also a dock with an ADA lift, two latrines, and tent pads far enough apart to give a feeling of luxury.
Wind gusted the next day, making for challenging conditions, but we ducked into bays and played amongst the lily pads and beaver dams. More picnic spots on islands, dips in the lake after paddling, and sunsets from the dock made for happy paddlers!
Another long paddle brought us back to our launch site with time to get home that same day.